Frequently Asked Questions
For further information, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone!
- What pictures does the Gallery search for?
Zsolnai Fine Arts searches for the representative pieces of 19-20th century paintings.
- What are the opening hours of the Gallery?
By appointment only
- I have a beautiful old painting. How much do I have to pay if I want to know its value?
Nothing at all. Please contact us and we will gladly givel you our opinion about the actual price of your painting.
- My marvellous Vaszary picture got damaged by accident. Can you help me with the restoration?
Of course we can. We have really good relationship with the leading restorers of the Hungarian National Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.
- I would like to spend a part of my savings in purchasing valuable paintings. Can you tell me which painter's piece rates to be a good investment?
Yes, turn to us with confidence, we take responsibility to our advice.
- I have inherited a Mednyánszky painting. I want to sell it because I have financial problems and I need cash. Can you help me?
Yes, we know really earnest collectors and we help with pleasure.
- My friend wants to sell me an Aba-Novák painting. Can you tell me whether it is an original piece or not?
Yes, turnl to us with trust, we will gladly givel you our opinion about its origin.